Welcome back. It’s been a minute.
Like everyone else, we at Banko Creative Studio lived through a period of time that felt like it stood still while everything changed. We felt the full effect of the pandemic and rolled with everything that came at us. We transformed and focused our business, and experienced a change in leadership. We added new team members, moved to remote collaboration, updated our brand and identified new ways to provide value to clients impacted by the pandemic. Needless to say, we’ve been busy.
Throughout all these changes, I’m proud of the commitment and perseverance of the Banko team as they continue to take care of themselves, each other, their families and our clients. Dan first set out to create a photography studio and built a company that adapted over its 25 years. To changes in the industry, to evolving client needs, and to overcome challenge after challenge. Our most recent transformation is about continuing that flexibility. Our new brand better represents who we are and what we do today—and it’s one that can continue to transform as we do.
You’ll notice Depth of Feel also looks a little different this time around. This magazine is about telling the stories of some of our clients and the work we do together. As we updated our brand, we redesigned Depth of Feel, too.
The stories highlighted in this issue are all about change and they span industries from advanced manufacturing to formal wear, community healthcare, and small town coffee. But what they all have in common is a pursuit of purpose and a willingness to transform.
So, where do we go from here?
Banko Creative Studio has always been a business that is flexible and forward thinking, and we’re going to keep bringing this well-rounded approach to our clients. Our team has a creative perspective and an eye for what’s new, what’s next, what’s changing. After all, the only constant is change.

Tara Bryk, CEO
Banko Creative Studio
Featured Stories
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